
For too long, working people, especially black and brown working families, have borne the brunt of our climate crisis.  From Pittsburgh to Chester, corporate polluters put profits over community health.

In 2018, One PA launched Environmental Justice organizing in Allegheny County, fighting to protect Pittsburgh’s water infrastructure from being sold to the highest bidder. Seeing climbing asthma and cancer rates, One PA went on to build and plan campaigns against  US Steel Clairton Coke Works factory and Covanta Chester City trash incinerator, two of the worst polluters in the state. Most recently, One PA members helped pass and secure funding for the first-of-its-kind Whole Home Repairs program. Whole Homes Repair is a one-stop shop in every county in the Commonwealth for lifesaving home repairs, weatherization, and adaptive modifications, as well as a workforce development program that adds new family-sustaining jobs in a growing field. If you are interested in learning more about this program that helps Pennsylvanians stay warm, safe, and dry in homes they can afford, find out more here.